
“An intriguing read, smartly written, Waltz Against the Sky beautifully evokes a fading era of journalism as young newspaper editor Evan Blaine covers a brutal crime in a small Texas town. He encounters darkly comic criminals reminiscent of an Elmore Leonard...

‘A Masterpiece’

“As characters in Glen Larum’s Waltz Against the Sky drift toward a small town in Texas, their stories are braided into a lariat that cinches their fates together. Like a Tony Hillerman New Mexico novel, Waltz puts the sere, flat landscape back into moral...
A Place of Our Own

A Place of Our Own

for Stanley Larum (A few words spoken at Dad’s memorial service) Places are powerful, Not only for the meanings that we impose upon them, But also for the meanings they impose upon us. They shape our identities. They form the ‘who’ of what we are. So in a real sense,...