Birthday in October

She is festive October, summer in husk and rouge. All sign points again to birthday weather, to ragged celebration and the odd gift. Ribbons dull and curl on the limb where the hawk huddles. Puffs of gray fur dance crazily where the fox prowls for slow mice. Late...

Waltz Against the Sky (excerpt)

Judge Robert Whitcomb could feel his blood pressure rising as he watched deputies Ridgeway and Bruce walk their prisoner to the front of his courtroom, each with a hand tucked into one of the prisoner’s armpits, keeping him upright as he shuffled forward. The judge...

About the Author

GLEN LARUM was born in 1948 at Malta, Montana, and was graduated from Charlo High School in 1966. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Western Montana College and went on to become an award-winning newspaper editor in Montana, Colorado and Texas before becoming a...


WALTZ AGAINST THE SKY AFTERWORD I suspect that most writers feel compelled, after having written a first novel, to attempt to give credit to the people who have played significant roles in their lives, either in their development as writers or as human beings. After...